SEO is something everyone seems to be talking about at the moment, but most people still don’t know much about it. One reason for this could be because SEO is so complex and difficult to understand. In fact, many SEO practitioners don’t even understand SEO. SEO is not as simple as some would like to make it seem. SEO is about more than just posting random articles on your website and hoping for the best; it’s about creating content that people want to read, attract links from other websites, rank for certain keywords in search engines, and create a brand online.
Infinite monkey theorem
The infinite monkey theorem states that “a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter infinitely soon types all possible sequences of characters, including every book that has ever been written.” The number of monkeys required for this task is quite large – with one estimate being 2^64 (or 1.3*10^19).
The infinite monkey theorem, when applied to SEO, means that SEO is not just about SEO. SEO monkeys can’t do it all. SEO needs to be combined with good content creation and brand building if you want to succeed in SEO.
SEO monkeys don’t understand SEO
Some SEO “experts” out there will tell you that they know everything about SEO. They will say they know exactly what keywords to target, how much meta data to put on your pages, the perfect length of your articles, etc., but really it’s just random typing , or in other words, guessing . These people are deluded; they actually believe their own stories. SEO monkeys only think in the short-term. SEO monkeys never look at competition, competition in their own niche, or even think about how SEO is a long-term strategy for online success. SEO monkeys may have some quick wins from posting random stuff on your website, but they will not help you increase traffic or your brand online in the long term
SEO needs to be part of a content marketing plan
SEO has been around for a long time now, and SEO practitioners are starting to get wise to SEO tricks that used to work well. Going forward into 2016, SEO strategies need to focus more heavily on quality content creation and user engagement . It’s no longer enough just to put up a pages with 5 sentences of meta! SEO is an integral part of a bigger online marketing strategy. SEO needs to be combined with content marketing not just SEO tricks . SEO has evolved into SEO content marketing . SEO monkeys don’t understand that SEO is now primarily about quality content creation and building engagement with your audience.
Building brands online
I’ve talked quite a lot about SEO, but SEO is actually only one part of creating an online brand; another important aspect is good communication! I know this may seem like common sense, but companies are often reluctant or slow to embrace communication tools such as Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube , Pinterest, etc., all of which can help boost SEO for your website (and wider business). Social media also plays an important role in building a brand online, so SEO monkeys also need to embrace social media and start taking SEO a lot more seriously. Social SEO is the future of SEO
Brand SEO vs. traffic SEO
Many SEO tactics are all about increasing website traffic, but not all traffic is equal . SEO doesn’t just mean getting random people from search engines to visit your website; it’s about bringing highly targeted visitors from specific niches! Some SEO strategies focus on building brands online by improving user engagement with quality content creation , while other SEO strategies simply look at boosting organic rankings for certain keywords or phrases in search results. In the future, SEO will be primarily focused on creating brand awareness for anywhere between 1-5 keywords per page. Once you have built up trust with your online audience and SEO has achieved those SEO goals, SEO becomes about boosting your rankings for a wider range of keywords. SEO can be quite daunting, but it’s important to remember the acronym SEO stands for search engine optimization . This means you need to focus on creating quality content online across a wide range of platforms and networks
SEO is not just about SEO
SEO needs to be combined with content marketing to create quality SEO campaigns that will increase traffic from search engines organically over time, rather than simply using spammy SEO tricks that don’t work anymore. In future, SEO success will rely more heavily on building brands online through social media, user engagement , and good communication . Don’t try and everything yourself; make sure you have SEO specialists that know what they are doing
SEO success will rely more heavily on building brands online through social media, user engagement , and good communication SEO is not just about SEO SEO needs to be combined with content marketing SEO has evolved into SEO content marketing SEO for your website SEO isn’t just about keywords SEO can be quite daunting SEO needs to be part of a content marketing plan SEO has been around for a long time now Social media also plays an important role in building a brand online SEO is an integral part of a bigger online marketing strategy.
SEO has been around for a long time now. SEO needs to be part of a content marketing plan in order to support SEO campaigns that will increase traffic from search engines organically over time, rather than simply using spammy SEO tricks that don’t work anymore. The future is about building brands online through social media and good communication rather than just focusing on keyword density or link-building tactics . Quality SEO isn’t just about the process itself; it also means creating quality content across platforms. Don’t try and do this by yourself! Make sure you have an SEO specialist who knows what they are doing if you’re looking to create successful SEO strategies in 2016. We can help with that! Contact us today at YourCompanyName@gmail
Photo by Marija Zaric on Unsplash